Communication Apps and Speech Generating Device Product Keys

Universal Core Communication App and SGD Key

Many AAC products offer access to the Universal Core vocabulary. If you do not see the product you are looking for listed here, you can create your own key using the document below:

Universal Core vocabulary key


Proloquo2Go Crescendo Intermediate Core at Grid Size 7 x 11

DOCX, 2 pages, 49 KB

PDF, 2 pages, 172 KB

Clicker Communication

12 Universal Core vocabulary sets have been created by Crick Software and made available at the LearningGrids website.

Universal Core Sets

learning grids 4 square communication book


The 36 location Universal Core vocabulary for Coughdrop can be accessed here:

Universal Core at Coughdrop

cough drop 36 universal core

Mind Express

SCORE, a symbol based vocabulary

DOCX, 1 pages, 61 KB

PDF, 1 page, 141 KB

Speak for Yourself

A Universal Core vocabulary file has been added within the settings of Speak for Yourself. More information can be found at the Speak for Yourself AAC blog.

project core on speak for yourself

Tobii Dynavox

Snap + Core First (6×6 layout)

DOCX, 1 page, 57 KB

PDF, 1 page, 203 KB